Kudos Driving Training - Payment Options
Bronze - 'Pay as you go' lessons.
Silver, Gold and Platinum - block bookings (as the block increases in size so do the benefits and savings).
Subsequent blocks can be added as 'top-ups'
(Click on each tab for the details)
Bronze - Single Bookings
This is the basic 'Pay As You Learn' option where the each lesson is booked individually.
The standard price is
Single Lesson (1 hr) - £45
Extended Lesson (1 1/2 hrs) - £67.50
Double Lesson (2 hrs) - £90
(Lessons on Bank Holidays, weekends and evenings may attract an unsocial hours supplement)
Silver Package - block booking (10+ hours)
This is the first of the saver options
When you make a block booking of ten hours or more you also recieve:
So, for example, a block booking of ten hours for £450* actually includes twelve hours of practical lessons and all the learning materials needed for the Theory Test.
This provides around £200 of savings and gifts (when compared to the Bronze package pricing).
*excluding supplements where applicable
Gold Package (block booking 25+ hours)
This offers even more great savings and benefits.
For example, book twenty-five hours of lessons for £1125* and also receive:
This amounts to around £500 of savings and gifts (when compared to the Bronze package pricing).
*excluding supplements where applicable
Platinum Package - Unlimited lessons
This is our 'unlimited' option and is all inclusive of everything an 'average learner' will need.
It is the best value package at £2750 as it includes
An 'average learner' could save over £1200 (when compared to the Bronze package pricing)